Saturday, February 28, 2009


So i had a really horrible day yesterday it really sucked and i was so upset, and i dont have anyone i can talk to so thats wvwn worst. I feel like things might not ever get better...

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

New phone!!!

YES!!! I finally got a new phone, i am so happy, its really awsome too. Its a touch and everything, finally after so long!!!


WOW I can tell you, that i really really really HATE myspace, it is so stupid, and i hate the site entirely. So much drama that i just deleted it, its like come on get over yourselves and get a life, instead of checking on your myspace every hour, its like WTF are you kidding me, Gosh it really erks me so badly, i just thought i would tell you ll how mad it makes me>>>

Monday, February 23, 2009

This weekend

So I have had alot of things go on that has made me really worn out and tired, then i cant sleep, its so crazy how things work out like that...Well this weekend was alot of fun though and i actually got to rest, I went to the landing in branson with my mom and my new little precious niece, then i went i relaxed the rest of the day, saturday i went to a wedding, and yes i rushed all morning trying to figure out what to wear, cause, my man "accidently forgot to tell me" crazy then i felt like i looked horrible the whole time, then i went home and relaxed and my man came over later, and we just spent time together which is always nice, cause we barely get to, then he stayed all weekend i was so happy for that! other than that i ate way too much and will definately be regreting that tomorrow....god that sucks!!!

wedding bells

So this weekend,I went to a wedding, it was my mans really close friends. it was the first one i had went to that I was actually old enough to remember. It was alot of fun, the cople was really young though, but had been together forever, adn seemed so happy. It really made me think about my future and the person who truely makes me happy, it made me want to have that, and it was nice.... I cant wait to get married!!!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

The Casino

So yesterday my dad wanted me too go to the casino with him, so i was like really hesitan, cause i was sleepy and didnt have the money to doo so, but then he convinced me and im glad i went, it was an all day adventure and we had alot of fun, we had fun , talked and went to dinner...Then later on i got to see my wonderful man and it made my day!!!


Wow so i really hadnt gotten any sleep in like three days, intil last night, i was so happy, you wouldnt believe, and in such a better mood and everything, thank god I finally got some sleep!!!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


So this kinda sucks but i think i might need glasses for reading and being on the computer, cause everytime i get off my eyes hurt so so badly and it sucks so much.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

How long

So how long does someone have to wait for the other person to change and realize that they have a great person right in front of them...I just wonder all the time how can peple not know, when I always know what i want in life>>>


Wow so when is this weather ever going to get better, i am ready for flip flops and skirts and not having to bundle up everytime i go outside...i cant wait for summer!!!

Saturday, February 7, 2009


Gosh lately with school and family and everything else in my life that is going on i am so stressed and trying to get things accomplished and its so stressful, i am tired all the time and feel like it will never fet better...This sucks.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

How do you really know

How do ou really know if someone is telling you the truth??? Its hard cause you dont want to accuse them if they are really being honest but if things just dont make since then what do they expect you to think...Especially if they have lied to you in the past...

Monday, February 2, 2009


Man i tell ya family can be a good thing and a bad thing, in my case i need my family in little doses, kinda like junk food, cause they are driving me up the wall and i dont know what to do about them, thank god for my man Brian who keeps me level and always cheers me up and is their for me when i need him, especially in this case...Thanks babe!!!

In need of a job.

Gosh i really hope the economy gets better ASAP, cause i really need to get a job and have some money, this is so ridiculous, its all i hear about and so many people are getting laid off i cant believe it and want it to stop.