Friday, April 17, 2009


So you wanna know what really gets me going and ticked off, its when ur talking to someone on the phone who you dont even know and your explainung your situation, and then they have the nerve to accuse you of lying...god that makes me instantly in a bad mood and want to blow- up at them, how dare them say to to me...

Thursday, April 16, 2009

making your mind up

Man so i am one of those people who can usually make their mind up ASAP, but for some reason everyone else i know takes forever, and trust me this can be very frustrating, especially when we are trying to do something , or go somewher, or even eat something, man come on its not that difficult.

Monday, April 13, 2009


So this summer my boyfriend and Iare gonna try to move to....? well were not just sure yet , but we know we wanna go aomewhere. It can be very frustrating trying to decide, bt I know for a fact that it wont be anywhere cold, I know im tired of freezing all the time....


Man the casino is a really crazy place to go, u see so many people hoping to win that jackpot, and see so many never come close, man its actually really depressing and stresses me out when I go there its so crazy.

Monday, April 6, 2009


Man I really cant wait til Easter is here. I am seriously addicted to those reeses peanut butter eggs, and eat them like all the time, Now after easter is here they wont sell them anymore , so everytime I go to the store i wont be tempted to but 1...or 2 LOL

Video games

So lately I have been playing vdeo games with my boyfriend...It is actually reall fun cause I have really never ever played except when I was a little kid, and the only ones I everplayed were sonic, mario, donkey kong and frogger, now i am playing call of duty on PS3 and its pretty intense and pretty fun, and we have such a great time playing together!!!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


My job is very simpe to be honest, i am alone, and get to get on the internet and do homework, things like that, it just really gets lonely when nobody else is around, so that sucks... :(

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Left Overs!

The reason I totally love leftovers is well because its already made, plus it taste so good the next day and its fast, and if you really really liked it you get to enjoy it again...leftovers are really the best!

Monday, March 30, 2009


So i have been with the same guy 3 years next month, now that is a really long time, I love him so much, but not always everything was perfect, alot of things happened but besides that our relationship has been very well, and im just so glad were together again!!!


So I finally got a job! YES I am so so happy, it pays well and the hours are perfect...I really hope it works out!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Nice weather

WOW, I really cant believe it, finally some nice weather that last longer than one day, It has been very nice out and the perfect temperature, i love it, I hope it stays this way and doesnt get cold til next winter....WEll that would be nice anyways!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


So my sister and grandma are moving to vegas this saturday....crazy i knoww just out of random, and now my whole family is moving there in three months, well except for me, i just think its so crazy you just need one person to do something and everyone else folllows...

how long...

How long before my sickness goes away, I have taken the medication and went to the doctors, but nothing i seem to do will work whats the deal, I hate feeling this way, I cant talk i sound horrible, and feel so crappy...

Saturday, March 14, 2009


So when is this economy gonna start getting better... Its so depresssing seeing what everyone is going through.I watch the news all the time cause i like to stay updated, yet they talk about the same thing over and over, and then all the missing little kids, gosh these people need to get there crap together...

Still sick...

Gosh I feel like crap. I have been sick for 6 days now and I have been taking meds like crazy and went too that doctor, nothing feels like its gonna make a difference... I really hope i get over this ASAP!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Vegas Baby

So my sister is moving away... To vegas, im really surprised she has been talking about it forever and now she finally is...She is really stressed about everything, but i really hope it works out for her!

Being sick:(

Being sick sucks, nobody likes it ans i haate it so much...I feel so tired and cant talk and dont want to do nething but feel better...I really hope i get over this soon.

Saturday, March 7, 2009


I would really like to move away, and have a great fresh start... And start my future with my man and finish school. My sister and grandma are moving to vegas in two weeks, but i dont think i would want to live there i want to live in a small town...So i think???

Friday Night

So i went out with my man and it was so great, since we havent been out in awhile. I had a great time and fun as always....It was nice to get out of the house and dress up and feel great....Thanks babe!!!

Saturday, February 28, 2009


So i had a really horrible day yesterday it really sucked and i was so upset, and i dont have anyone i can talk to so thats wvwn worst. I feel like things might not ever get better...

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

New phone!!!

YES!!! I finally got a new phone, i am so happy, its really awsome too. Its a touch and everything, finally after so long!!!


WOW I can tell you, that i really really really HATE myspace, it is so stupid, and i hate the site entirely. So much drama that i just deleted it, its like come on get over yourselves and get a life, instead of checking on your myspace every hour, its like WTF are you kidding me, Gosh it really erks me so badly, i just thought i would tell you ll how mad it makes me>>>

Monday, February 23, 2009

This weekend

So I have had alot of things go on that has made me really worn out and tired, then i cant sleep, its so crazy how things work out like that...Well this weekend was alot of fun though and i actually got to rest, I went to the landing in branson with my mom and my new little precious niece, then i went i relaxed the rest of the day, saturday i went to a wedding, and yes i rushed all morning trying to figure out what to wear, cause, my man "accidently forgot to tell me" crazy then i felt like i looked horrible the whole time, then i went home and relaxed and my man came over later, and we just spent time together which is always nice, cause we barely get to, then he stayed all weekend i was so happy for that! other than that i ate way too much and will definately be regreting that tomorrow....god that sucks!!!

wedding bells

So this weekend,I went to a wedding, it was my mans really close friends. it was the first one i had went to that I was actually old enough to remember. It was alot of fun, the cople was really young though, but had been together forever, adn seemed so happy. It really made me think about my future and the person who truely makes me happy, it made me want to have that, and it was nice.... I cant wait to get married!!!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

The Casino

So yesterday my dad wanted me too go to the casino with him, so i was like really hesitan, cause i was sleepy and didnt have the money to doo so, but then he convinced me and im glad i went, it was an all day adventure and we had alot of fun, we had fun , talked and went to dinner...Then later on i got to see my wonderful man and it made my day!!!


Wow so i really hadnt gotten any sleep in like three days, intil last night, i was so happy, you wouldnt believe, and in such a better mood and everything, thank god I finally got some sleep!!!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


So this kinda sucks but i think i might need glasses for reading and being on the computer, cause everytime i get off my eyes hurt so so badly and it sucks so much.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

How long

So how long does someone have to wait for the other person to change and realize that they have a great person right in front of them...I just wonder all the time how can peple not know, when I always know what i want in life>>>


Wow so when is this weather ever going to get better, i am ready for flip flops and skirts and not having to bundle up everytime i go outside...i cant wait for summer!!!

Saturday, February 7, 2009


Gosh lately with school and family and everything else in my life that is going on i am so stressed and trying to get things accomplished and its so stressful, i am tired all the time and feel like it will never fet better...This sucks.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

How do you really know

How do ou really know if someone is telling you the truth??? Its hard cause you dont want to accuse them if they are really being honest but if things just dont make since then what do they expect you to think...Especially if they have lied to you in the past...

Monday, February 2, 2009


Man i tell ya family can be a good thing and a bad thing, in my case i need my family in little doses, kinda like junk food, cause they are driving me up the wall and i dont know what to do about them, thank god for my man Brian who keeps me level and always cheers me up and is their for me when i need him, especially in this case...Thanks babe!!!

In need of a job.

Gosh i really hope the economy gets better ASAP, cause i really need to get a job and have some money, this is so ridiculous, its all i hear about and so many people are getting laid off i cant believe it and want it to stop.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Man i really hope Obama comes up with something really fast,that actually works, cause we need jobs around here, it's driving me crazy and i need one really badly...So something needs to be done fast and something that is gonna work

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


So i love food right, I mean who doesn't... But im the person who has to watch everything i eat or well you know.. So i dont eat fast food, or junk food, or just about anything that is bad for you. I try to work out and stay in shape, but im not gonna lie it is really hard...This sucks.

Monday, January 26, 2009

which is it???

So it kinda sucks when you really care about someone yet you really dont know if they feel the same way about you.. or that they are so selfish that it's tearing you guys apart,that they choose you last each and every time, week after week, it hurts that your feelings are in someone elses hands, that they could not even care about your happiness and treat you so bad, that when they tell you something, youjust seriously wonder are they really being sincere ( please god are they finally changing) or are they bullshitting me like crazy. Could this really be happening to you, or is it all completely fake, and gonna hurt so much worst when the truth really comes out, which one is it... Only they know... Our happiness lies in the hands of others, that sucks especially when they dont love you the way you love them...

tired of everything

So today I really realized how tired I am of everything... I mean I have so much stuff going on in my life that it can be very stressful, I hate feeling the way I do, its like I try my best and feel so unappreciated by everyone. I dont even feel like anyone really truly cares it sucks so badly...I am a good person, why do I have to feel this way???

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

About Me!!!

So my name is Sarah and I am 18, I graduated highschool a year early and now I am going to college to be an RN. I cant wait to getit over and done with to be honest! Unfortunately I live in springfield, mo. I don't really mind it im just cold all the time so that sucks. I love to have fun and try new things! I have a wonderful guy in my life who I love so much, and I have a mom, dad, sister, and two brothers and last monday i became a aunt to a beautiful little girl. I dont currently work, but am definately looking for a job or something. I live the summer time cause its hot and I love to swim and wear skirts and dresses. Well this is just a little bit about me.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

cell phones

so i am getting so tired of cell phones breaking or messing up all the time, its like we spend all this money on them then they barely last, its like whats the deal...Another thing is the networks they honestly suck you never get service when you neesd it and when your in the middle of a call it just drops it, they make so much money so why cant they get it fixed....they really need to do something to fix it fast.

Monday, January 19, 2009

My man

So i love my man to death he is seriously the best thing to ever happen to me, the one who knows me best and cares about me for me, well anyways it kinda sucks cause we have not been able to see eachother that much lately and it can be really hard yet the space can be a good thing also, anywas with everyday things that go on and school starting and him working all the time, i just cant wait til we are back in a posistion where things arent so hectic...

hot weather

Wow you guys, i really cant wait to put up our winter jackets and clothes, and wear our spring dresses and skirts(you know show off those legs) and wear high heels again and not have to worry about it being way to cold that our toes freeze, that you dont even want to go outside...i love spring and summer cause its so warm and you can wear just about anything and its so nice, not to mention i hate wearing jeans and love swimming.... so anyways i just hope that is really soon!!!

Saturday, January 17, 2009


So why is it that people will text you something and then be so impatient that that they just keep resending it over and over, or say i guess your too busy for me, or i love when im sleeping and when i wake up i have like ten messages from the same person saying, (are you up, i guess your still sleeping, or wake up) yeah like my phone can talk and tell me your text message... come on people. Chill out!!!

Friday, January 16, 2009

buying alcohol and cigs???

So i just dont understand why when i go to the store with my mother, that they wont let her buy it without looking at my i.d., okay thats stupid since im her daughter, and they wouldn't i.d. my little 14 or 17 year old brothers so why me, considering im her child, its not like were buying the stuff for me, or minors.... sorry they just irritate me each and everytime i go there and i almost want to stop shopping there cause they are just so ignorant...

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Teen parents...

So why is it that thier are all these teenage parents running around, not that anything is wrong with that, but then when thier parents try to help them with the newborn they try to object and say (I know Okay , or Its my baby how do you know whats best for my kid???) yet thier parents are the ones supporting that child?


I am sitting here today freezing, knowing its way to cold to go outside and wondering why in the world, did my parents choose to move form hot California to freezing springfield, Mo.???